Top Credit Union Business Continuity Planning Resources

by. Michele Dowls

How well educated are you in Disaster Recovery and Credit Union Business Continuity Planning?  Are you looking for more information to prepare yourself or your staff?  There are many good resources available!  Here’s a consolidated list of a few that I find beneficial… Many of thesesites have Social Media options as well.  Take a look, see what you like and definitely share.  If there are other resources that you use and find beneficial, I’m interested in hearing about them.  The more we share, the more we can prepare.  And we all know one can never be too prepared!  We’d start with our own site ( but that is a given at this point!

Disaster Recovery Journal  – resource publication for industry news.  The world’s largest conference dedicated to Business Continuity and Disaster Recover held in the Spring and the Fall.

DRIIDRI International offers a wide variety of certifications regarding business continuity.  A base of common knowledge for business continuity is promoted here.  Conferences are held on an annual basis with additional training and break-out sessions available.

FEMAU.S. Department of Homeland Security offers many training and certification programs.  The website provides extensive information for planning, preparing and mitigating.  Before, during and after a disaster, this resource is invaluable.

CERTCommunity Emergency Response Teams – This FEMA program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that impact the specific area and basic disaster response skills are trained.  When professional responders are not immediately available, CERT members can assist others in the workplace or neighborhood after an event.  For more details and to find out what’s available in your area, search by zip code.

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