Training spurs technology adoption

by. Alan Jackson

Without question, technology can enable banks to do more – better, faster and more affordably. That’s only true, however, if employees embrace the technology and maximize its capabilities. If you spend millions on software that no one uses, or that no one understands how to use well, your investment is essentially wasted.

In today’s competitive marketplace, no one can afford that waste.

Training is the solution; it is the single-most important step you can take to ensure bank staff become adept at using software designed to make their efforts easier and more profitable.
In order to successfully train employees, the software provider needs to act as your knowledgeable, accessible partner, and ensure these five things occur:

1. Training must be flexible.

Rare is the CFO or CEO who has the spare time to attend a training session on new technology, because training takes time.
What’s more, most employees have different learning styles. Some will respond better to hands-on demonstrations, and others will require one-on-one training. Others still may be fine with a self-guided tutorial.

Without question, technology can enable banks to do more – better, faster and more affordably. That’s only true, however, if employees embrace the technology and maximize its capabilities. If you spend millions on software that no one uses, or that no one understands how to use well, your investment is essentially wasted.

In today’s competitive marketplace, no one can afford that waste.

Training is the solution; it is the single-most important step you can take to ensure bank staff become adept at using software designed to make their efforts easier and more profitable.
In order to successfully train employees, the software provider needs to act as your knowledgeable, accessible partner, and ensure these five things occur:

1. Training must be flexible.

Rare is the CFO or CEO who has the spare time to attend a training session on new technology, because training takes time.
What’s more, most employees have different learning styles. Some will respond better to hands-on demonstrations, and others will require one-on-one training. Others still may be fine with a self-guided tutorial.

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