President John F. Kennedy once said: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” Change can be perceived as good or bad. The mere notion of it can bring hope or set off alarms. What we learned in Boston is that change is inevitable. In fact, you can bet that changes are occurring as I type these very words.
It can be difficult to wrap your head around change. Fear of the unknown can cause a business to remain in a historical state or slightly less progressive, what I call “the state of wait.” Even more counterproductive is the state of paranoid (re)action, rather than proactive momentum. So how do we move from say reaction to anticipation, to preparedness and effective action? How do we embrace inevitable evolution of risk and develop our own Productivity Campaign?
For years SAS has been the world leader in predictive analytics. We’ve seen our financial customers welcome and embrace a predictive approach to thinking—capitalizing on anticipation. We’ve seen our customers capture success by moving from frenzied reactionary thinking to a state of calm preparedness. Through predictive analytics, SAS customers are using real math behind their data to navigate the journey and intelligently go the course of change. Our customers are leveraging SAS to evolve from Phase 1 to Phase 4. Here’s what it looks like:
Phase 1: What occurred and why did it occur? The Frenzied Stage—the problem has already caused damage.
Phase 2: What is presently going on? The Floating Stage—there is no problem, nor progression in this stage.