Understanding marketing delivery channels to provide the optimal cardholder experience

Times are changing quickly in B2C marketing for the financial industry. New approaches and terms are surfacing on a regular basis. Over the past year, the drive has been even greater as financial institutions (FIs) look to service their cardholders safely and consistently across all cardholder-facing channels. As the industry shifts, so does the terminology, which is key to understanding which channel your FI occupies today so you can effectively plan for the future.

Currently, there are four primary types that help outline where your FI stands from a marketing channel delivery perspective:

  1. Single Channel – Starting with direct mail and print, this strategy has been around since the beginning of marketing as we know it.
  2. Multichannel – Incorporating digital channels into cardholder touchpoints and being able to reach to your clients across a multitude of channels. The implementation of digital channels has allowed businesses to expand their reach to clients, with the most commonly used channels being email and direct mail. This is often done in parallel and is typically more of a manual process. However, we are seeing increased automation as organizations move towards integration.


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