Use data to design experiences that delight

In a recent article, I shared a couple of nightmare sales and service experiences. Both of these examples were true stories that the Lodestar team personally experienced. Even though those bad calls left us cringing, they are important to examine as we can learn a lot about how to design better experiences.

One of the main takeaways from the examples is that technology can be used to set your staff up for success. Effectively harnessing your data into a solution that is easy for staff to use can ensure communication is timely, relevant and personal. A robust solution should allow employees to log interactions and track communications to be certain efforts are not being duplicated. Lastly, aggregating data from your disparate systems into a single platform will allow you to create a 360-degree view of your customer, providing quick insights into their channel preferences, product adoption, and so much more.

Now that we’ve focused on bad sales and service experiences and lessons that can be learned, let’s shift gears a bit. What does a good experience look like in real life?


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