Utilizing Multi-channel Communications


Nowadays with electronic and print communications, you can receive information in many ways via many devices, software interfaces, and networks – even paper still works. Which do you prefer? Mobile? Text? Email? Direct mail? Social Media? If you are like me, it depends. I personally like to receive emails from people I trust but communicate via text. However, when it comes to doing a little consumer research, I don’t mind reading or searching the web. Do you think your members are any different than you in having preferred channels?

Data from Exact Target’s 2012 The Digital Republic (Report #18), illustrates this point perfectly, showing that 80% of online consumers check email at least once per day [1]. But the same report found that 61% of Twitter users check their feed once a day and that 25% of online consumers aged 18-24 and 25-34 have made a purchase from receiving a Facebook message [1].

So how do you ensure that your messages and your member communications are effective? Easy answer – don’t just focus on any one channel; use as many channels as you can. Multi-channel communication increases the odds that your message gets read one way or another. The multi-channel approach may sound daunting to some; but it really doesn’t have to be. By using proper planning, communication goals, and response tracking, you can ensure relevant and timely communication, proper utilization of multiple communications vehicles, and accurate measurement of your efforts.

There are three keys to effective multi-channel communication:

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