Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

A commentary on the reaction to NCUA’s proposed Risk-Based Capital rule.

by. Greg Michlig

I’m guessing many of you know the scene from the movie Animal House when Dean Wormer comes down hard on Delta Tau Chi Fraternity. If you don’t, you should stop what you are doing, write a comment letter to NCUA on the Risk-Based Capital proposal, and then rent/download the movie and watch it.

For those of you who do recall, you’re probably chuckling to yourself right now. However, in the context I’m thinking, you shouldn’t be. The scene begins with John “Bluto” Blutarsky (played by John Belushi) walking in to find his fraternity brothers and exclaiming:

“Hey! What’s all this laying around stuff? Why are you all still laying around here for?”

His brothers fill him in on what’s happened…the administration has laid the groundwork for expulsion of the fraternity and its members from the college. Blutarsky goes on with the well-known, historically inaccurate, yet strongly motivational:

“What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”

Funny, I know…especially if you have seen it.

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