What’s Today’s Hot Banking Product?

by Joe Swatek

Lately, I’ve noticed two points about bank and credit union marketing.

I watch for financial institution print ads, direct mail, billboards, even outdoor banners and lesser media. That statement is no surprise if you’re a regular reader of this blog.

Here’s my first point. Banks and credit unions are advertising again. Remember what it was like just a few years ago? Advertising budgets were slashed. No institution wanted to advertise because of the financial crisis. News stories about the crisis hit the papers and broadcasts daily.

At last, the situation seems to have turned around. I can’t say what it’s like in all corners of the country, but our clients around the nation are using direct mail more and local newspapers are carrying more and more bank and credit union ads.

It’s not only the mega banks and the regional banks that are advertising. Small community institutions, those with only a few branches, and on up to larger community institutions are once again promoting products.

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