Why Call It An Annual Report?

Each year about this time we start to gear up for an onslaught of annual report projects. The prep starts now and by mid February when client financial statements are complete, we are fully engaged.

I’ve always thought that the annual report was one of the most important documents of any business. It is the scorecard for last year’s efforts. The equivalent of the post-game film. When combined with insight, it delivers clarity of understanding and helps drive future direction. Heck, even if you aren’t required you should produce one.

“Nobody reads the annual report. “

We often hear that from clients. And since some marketers might believe that there are precious few that actually read it, the energy and enthusiasm that could go into the creation and orchestration of the annual report information can suffer.

It can feel as though the annual report is something to get checked off the “to do” list. Something to get beyond. Reports by definition are finite and specific. A report implies a one-time use. Get it done. Move on to something else.

I believe the Annual Report should be renamed the Annual Story.

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