Will Your Correspondence Get Lost In The Holiday Clutter?

December 14th is traditionally the heaviest mailing day of the year. The U.S. Postal Service expects to see a 40% increase in the mail volume today. But that’s just the start: next week is expected to be the busiest all year with an anticipated 800 million pieces of mail. Indeed, over the course of the holiday season the USPS expects to deliver an estimated 16.5 billion cards and packages: a 33% increase over regular mailing days.
At this time of year mailboxes are jammed with holiday shopping catalogs, bulky packages from eBay, and a wide assortment of coupons, flyers…and even greeting cards from Grandma. With all this clutter it’s no wonder most people open their mail over the trash can.
For businesses this season, the questions become: Will your correspondence get lost in the clutter? How can you be sure important documents are not tossed into the recycle bin? Will your promotion and marketing be simply overlooked as just one more piece of junk in an over-stuffed mailbox?
One way to sidestep the confusion is to move your communications online. Studies show that it’s more likely that customers will give you their attention online while feeling overwhelmed by the volume of holiday mail overflowing in their mailbox. Forget expensive print and mail and communicate directly with members and customers where they hang out…online. The result is more timely correspondence and increase customer response.