You Know You’re a Lobbyist When

By Jillian Pevo

Some people gulp down a double-mocha-latte on their way out of the door each morning. Others need that time on the treadmill to feel good about the day ahead. I knew I had lived in Washington, D.C. for too long when the first thing I did each morning was check to see if the Congressional Record was posted.

Aptly named, the Congressional Record is one stop shopping for all legislative business that occurred the day before. From new legislation and cosponsors to debate transcripts and floor speeches – it’s all at your fingertips.

When I worked on Capitol Hill for a Member of Congress, I read the Record to keep up with what other members of our state delegation were doing and looked to identify potential allies on our office’s legislative priorities. In my role at NAFCU I’m doing much of the same – looking for activity on legislation impacting credit unions, checking to see what other issues our champions in Congress are working on, and reporting back to my colleagues on anything of note that will benefit our team’s efforts in making the credit union voice heard.

While it’s super-nerdy and mundane to most, the Congressional Record is a great tool to use if you want to drill down and get into the details of House or Senate happenings. Here’s how it works:

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