Your ‘campfire’ story counts

Know the power of the leader’s voice.

by: Michael Hudson, Ph.D.

OK, I confess. During Tom Flick’s keynote presentation at last month’s CEO/Executive Team Network, I found myself daydreaming. Not exactly a desired behavior from one who would be leading a coaching session on the topic immediately following the speech, but it happened nonetheless.

Here’s why…

A former NFL quarterback turned motivational speaker, Flick spoke about the power of the leader’s voice–how words create pictures that create emotions that create attitudes that create behaviors that create habits that create reality. As he did so, my mind wandered to the time when I learned just what that meant—something I didn’t fully understand until hearing his insights.

When I was 12 years old, my 4-H friends (finally) convinced me to attend state camp. They had tried for the previous couple of years, but frankly I didn’t get the appeal. Maybe that’s because my aunt and uncle lived at the camp year round and to me it was just a place that I went once in awhile to see family. So the idea of attending a full week of camp there certainly didn’t seem all that appealing.

But that changed during the opening campfire program…

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