Your Competition is Lurking – Protect Your Customers

by. Craig Johnson

If you don’t communicate with customers, your competition will

How often do you communicate with your customers? Is it once a day? Once a month? Once a year? Most companies find it’s difficult to answer this question due to all the different messaging platforms that exist today and the inability to know exactly where, when and how you communicate. Between social media, online portals, paperless statements, the web, and plain old print and mail, it can be a challenge to monitor, measure and maintain a complete picture of your customer communications.
There is one assumption you can make with certainty, however. Your competitors are making every effort to communicate with your customers — as often as they can — with the aim to convert them to their side. Ignore this certainty, take existing customers for granted, and you can be sure that your customers will soon move on.
Silver Lining
Fortunately, there is hope for businesses that are struggling to manage the melee for customer attention and loyalty. It takes form in Cloud-based Customer Communications Management, or Cloud CCM. We believe that Cloud CCM is the next ‘big thing’ in cloud computing. Communicating with customers is not as simple as it used to be and Cloud CCM provides both the technology and the platform to make it easier and more effective.
Proven Company
For the last 14 years OMI has provided corporate and financial institutions with the most cost effective, cloud-based customer messaging platform on the market. We were the first with our Statement2Web platform, tailored to manage transaction customer communications in the financial services sector. Since then, leading credit unions, banks and broker/dealers have adopted our platform in order to cut the cost of delivering transactional communications like, statements, invoices, notices, and notifications.
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