US teens low on financial literacy

by: Christina Pontisso

Eileen Holley of Money Mix, explains that when it comes to knowing and understanding finances, USA teens are far behind compared to international teens.

PBS NewsHour conducted a study to see how teens from different countries would score in a financial literacy assessment test. The test featured 29,000 15 year olds from 18 different countries or economies. Unfortunately, teens from Americas scored well below the average while teens from China achieved top honors.

So how do we explain that despite living in the most developed country in the world Americans teens have a poor financial understanding? One answer stems from the lack of financial education within the home. Most parents don’t have the time, ability, etc. to educate their children about the money management which is why schools need to play a major role.

“The Huffington Post reported on another study on financial literacy—this time with college students. This survey of more than 65,000 first-year college students in the U.S. found that students who had received financial literacy education in high school scored significantly higher than their peers on questions related to financial knowledge. It was also found that they practiced this knowledge and were more financially responsible and cautious with their money.”

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