10 years ago…

10 years ago…

  • There were about 8,080 credit unions. Today there are 5,500.
  • Our industry held $832 billion in assets. Today? More than $1.4 trillion.
  • 11 percent of mobile phones were “smart” phones. Today? More than 80%.
  • Netflix was less than a year into streaming content to users. Hulu was launched.
  • The iPhone was a year old.
  • In 2008, roughly 50 million Americans received a Sunday paper. Today? Less than 34 million.
  • The sharing economy really didn’t exist as we know it. Airbnb started in 2008, and Uber started in 2009.
  • You didn’t own an iPad. No one did.
  • 10 years ago, there were $6.2 billion of travelers’ checks outstanding by the largest six issuers. Today? $1.8 billion.

These are fairly big changes, but none of them seem shocking to me. Perhaps I’m just like the frog in a pot of water. If the heat is increased slowly, I never see the big changes taking place.

Where am I going with this? I’m not sure I even know. Perhaps it just makes me ask more questions.


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