2013 – The Year That Mobile Devices Took Over the World

Smartphones and tablets aren’t the future any longer — they’re the present. These powerful mobile devices connected to high-speed networks are now an everyday reality. According to Gartner, there were nearly 120 million tablets sold worldwide in 2012. That’s a whopping 98% increase from the year before. And number of smartphones sold in 2012 was larger than the number of laptops and notebooks combined. Companies like DellHP, and even Microsoft, which have failed to keep pace, are paying the price. Indeed, this is the year that tech historians may someday refer to as the year that mobile devices took over the world.

Mobile Computing – The New Norm
Mobile computing is the new norm for customers and consumers, but Gartner warns that the consumerization of mobile devices will drive tablets into corporate environment as well. Enterprise tablet adoption is one of the top 10 critical tech trends for the next five years say Gartner analysts. Estimates are that enterprise sales of media tablets will account for about 35% of total tablet sales in 2015. Clearly, the mobile experience is quickly eclipsing the desktop experience for both consumers and corporate users alike.
Cloud + Mobile = Synergy
Cloud-based computing and mobile device technology are mutually reinforcing trends. Indeed, in 2013, mobile devices will pass PCs to be most common Web access tool. As the cloud becomes the center of our digital lives, the demand for new applications, more relevant content and increased preference control will drive new ways of working. Companies will be required to innovate along with this adoption curve. In the end, services will become more important and devices will become less important; and communication will becomes less about a “transaction” and more about what kind ofexperience is had by the customer or end user.
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