3 life lessons from “National Lampoon’s Vacation”

My family has always shared a love of movies. Because I have two older brothers, I have many memories of watching comedies throughout the years. Many of these films are just as entertaining today as they were 20 years ago. Among these favorites are the classic “National Lampoon” films featuring the always hilarious Clark W. Griswold. My favorite of this collection is “Vacation” because it still reminds me of my childhood. With that nostalgia, there are a few fun life lessons we can gather from Clark and his family’s trek to “Wally World.”

Keep your eye on the prize

Clark is truly tested throughout the journey to “America’s Favorite Family Fun Park.” He goes way off course, has various car troubles, encounters a death in the family, and basically goes a little nutty. Despite these challenges Clark never turns back. He is determined to get his family to their destination because he doesn’t want to let them down. We can all learn from Clark’s devotion to his loved ones and his perseverance.

Put family first

As mentioned above, Clark will do anything to see his journey through because he wants his family to have the best vacation ever. Although his wife Ellen would prefer to fly, Clark insists they drive so he can bond with his loved ones. Although they face many strange and unusual obstacles along their drive, Clark loves and protects his family to the best of his ability. What Clark fails to realize is that his family also loves him in return and therefore he doesn’t need to prove his devotion to them with a wild road trip.

Always be prepared

At the end of the movie as the Griswold family pulls into the (empty) “Wally World” parking lot, they quickly learn that the park is closed for repairs. Clark spins out of control when he learns this, realizing his tremendously difficult journey was all for nothing. Although the Griswolds lived in an age before the Internet and smartphones, a quick call to the park before departure would have prevented the whole debacle. The lesson we can learn from Clark’s mistake is to always double check travel plans and be prepared with a solid Plan B.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with CUInsight.com. Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details