3 simple things you can do to be a great coworker

Hopefully you’re not dreadful to be around when you’re at the office. As long as you’re generally pleasant and don’t microwave fish, you’re probably not someone that others have a problem with. But is it enough to just be ok? If you want to be seen as an awesome coworker, here are three simple things you can do to stand out in the office…

Take one for the team: Most people like being in charge, but when it comes to small things like holiday parties, nobody wants to step up and have that responsibility. If you’re given the chance to head up a similar committee, take one for your team. Your coworkers will be glad that it’s not something they have to have on their plate and you’ll be appreciated. You can always step down later and let someone else have a turn.

Engage in small talk: A gesture as simple as asking someone how their weekend went can mean a lot to some of your coworkers. You don’t have to engage everyone you work with in hour-long conversations, but if you show interest, you’ll let them know that they matter, and that makes people feel good about themselves. You can make someone’s day with a simple “hey” and “what’s new?”

Clean up: Nobody really enjoys cleaning up after anyone else, so if you have a few extra minutes, you’ll become a legend if you do. If you see some dirty coffee mugs in the sink, spend a few minutes and wash them up. That cakebox from Sally’s birthday last Wednesday is still laying on the table in the breakroom. It’s your chance to get rid of it and be the hero. Remember: A tidy workplace is a happy workplace. And this includes your desk. Some people are neat freaks and simply seeing a mess can give them anxiety. Keep them in mind and straighten up for a few minutes every day before you go home.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details