3 tips for accepting constructive criticism in the workplace

As a leader, you’ve probably had to deliver criticism more times than you’d like. How did your employees take it? Not so good? Well, sometimes criticism can be a hard pill to swallow. Here are three tips for accepting constructive criticism like a pro.

Don’t react: If you’re getting less than pleasant feedback, it can be easy to get defensive. Remember, constructive criticism is meant to help us identity our weaknesses and improve ourselves. The last thing you want to do is react in a sour manner. Be mindful of your facial expressions and listen carefully so you can fully understand the things being said, and the positive reasons behind them.

Ask questions: While it’s not ideal to react to criticism, it’s totally okay to respond. If you have questions about the things being said, it’s best not to hold them back. Sometimes, you need a more detailed explanation. Talking about the situation will lead to the best course of action for solving the problem.

Seek guidance: If you’ve accepted the criticism but don’t know what to do next, ask the person if they have any suggestions for you on how to move forward and improve yourself in the area of weakness. If you’re still having trouble accepting the criticism after you’ve had time to process it, talk to a co-worker or mentor that you trust and find out their opinion on the matter.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details