3 tips for growing new leaders in your credit union

Finding good talent isn’t easy. Maybe you should start looking in your own backyard. Here are three tips for turning your young employees into the leaders of tomorrow…

New experiences: If your desire is to grow employees, you need to provide them with experiences that are outside their norm. Extra training or formal education are great ways to help them grow, but you can also find ways to give them leadership duties that will teach them to manage people and tasks.

Problems to solve: Often your employees will come to you for help, and it may be best to not give it to them right away. Sometimes you can actually help an employee grow by giving them a chance to figure out things on their own. You can point them down the right path, but by letting them stay in control, you’ll help them learn to figure out what they need to do and how to get there.

Trust and freedom: One way you can teach an employee that you trust them, is by instilling an ownership mentality. Do this by letting them make decisions on their own without having to run every little thing by you. Once they realize you trust them, they’ll begin to feel confident in their decision-making skills.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details