3 tips on how to manage someone older than you

The millennial workforce is typically described one of two ways. They are either characterized as a segment of job-hoppers who lack motivation, or as entitled and unappreciative “brats.” In most cases, these stereotypes couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, many in this generation are highly successful and garner professional accomplishments at a young age.

In some organizations, millennials are hired into management positions; this can prove difficult for certain employees when their manager is younger. On the other hand, for the new millennial manager, it can be a challenge leading older employees who feel resentment toward them or who are understandably skeptical of the new leader’s abilities.

If you’re a leader who’s found yourself managing employees older than yourself, here are three tips to effectively manage your workforce.

Make connections

Get to know each and every member of your team on an individual basis. Connect with them and demonstrate that you care about them and their job performance. Show that you are on their side and are there to help and support them. Giving them that confidence will encourage open communication and will help to foster positive rapport.

Keep collaborating

Isolating yourself from your team will only lead to them feeling like they can’t approach you. Employees that are older than you have life and work experiences they can share to help everyone in the organization be successful, including you. Collaborate with them and encourage them to be creative. The more you communicate with them and work with them, the more useful and valued they will feel.

Be the boss

The bottom line is you’re the boss and your employees need to treat you with respect. To garner the appreciation you expect and deserve, always carry yourself with confidence. Don’t underestimate yourself just because of your age. You’ve been placed in your position for a reason and your skills, work ethic, and talents will speak for themselves.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with CUInsight.com. Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details