3 ways to discover hidden talent in your company

Sometimes it’s not easy to find talent in your organization. Occasionally, it’s easy to spot, especially if an employee excels in their current position. But what about those hidden gems? Here a few ways you can find talent that’s not always visible.

Ask for volunteers: Instead of assigning a new project to the “usual suspects,” see if anyone would like to volunteer to tackle the assignment. You may get a volunteer who has a passion for a task that’s outside of their normal responsibilities. By giving employees an option, you may be opening a door to a new career for one of your current employees.

Ask about dreams: Your team is comprised of individuals with assorted passions and dreams. Find out what their desires are. If the employee isn’t currently in their dream position, having a little insight into what drives them may help you find a position that better suits them down the road.

Ask for suggestions: You may have a true innovator on your payroll and not even know it. Employees may have great ideas for other departments, but won’t speak up because they’re not given a platform to share those ideas. Reward your team for great ideas, regardless of what department they work in, and it may lead to finding hidden talent that would have gone to waste in their current position.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details