3 ways to boost employee confidence

Like in baseball, if you have an employee that’s in slump, it can be hard to say the perfect thing to get them to come out of it. The best you can do is to try and instill the confidence they need to come out of it on their own. Here are three ways you can boost your employees’ confidence…

Change the culture: In sports, there are stressful games and not-so-stressful games. Your staff has days like this as well. Make you company’s culture one that supports its staff during the more difficult days. Help them learn and grow and show them that it’s okay to laugh even when things aren’t going exactly the way they’d like them to. A less stressful environment is an easier place to succeed. Look at any golfer that’s played their way out of contention on Saturday. Their Sunday round is often a thing of beauty when they lose the stress of trying to win.

Hi-fives all around: Some bosses love to point out failures and never even mention successes. This can be a tough workplace to be successful. If an employee only hears about their short-comings, it makes it hard to have any confidence in the work that they do. A simple “good job!” or “excellent work!” can make all the difference to an employee who is struggling. Don’t be afraid to give your employees a high-five when they’ve done an awesome job.

Put them in charge of something: If you have an employee that needs to be lifted up, find something (anything) that they’re good at and put them in charge of teaching that skill to someone else. The fact that you’re trusting them with a task can give them a giant boost of confidence. Sometimes a small gesture can lead to an avalanche of success.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details