4 tips for the new boss in the office

Being the new boss isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve been promoted. You may now be in charge of your former peers, so it’s important to be strong and show that you’re deserving of your new role. If you want to go hard out of the gate, here are four tips that can put you in the lead as a leader.

Be the hardest worker: Be a great example by showing your team how hard work leads to success. Step in and help out when needed. Employees respect a leader who isn’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and help out.

Be the most knowledgable: If you’ve been put into a management position, you’re obviously a skilled employee. Now is the time to learn more skills that pertain to your business. Ask questions and have conversations to find out how all of the moving parts work together. Be prepared for any questions your employees may have for you.

Be the quarterback: You can’t do it all. Distribute tasks and responsibilities. Use employees that get things done. Invest time in these people. Develop leaders who will in turn develop future leaders.

Grow in  your position: Find a mentor. Look for an older friend or acquaintance that’s been a leader and pick their brain every chance you get. Read books on leadership and business. Know how the credit union industry is changing and be prepared for the changes you’ll have to make as a leader and a manager.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details