5 ways to increase member loyalty

Be accessible

There’s no doubt that customers (especially newer ones) will have questions they need answered from time to time. Being available will help you build trust when these questions arise. They’ll know you’re there for them, and talking to them will help you develop a relationship that will lead to loyalty.

Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone

I use email 99 percent of the time, but every once in a while, someone will ask a for a return call. Even though this isn’t the norm, I always oblige. For some, a phone call is more personable than email, and frankly, I couldn’t agree more. Email is quick and easy, but taking the time to call someone shows you truly care.

Ask questions and listen

If you want to really give your customers the products and services they need, you need to find out exactly what those products and services are. Don’t just send out a customer survey and forget it about. Use that information to make the products your customers need available when they need them most.

Be thankful

You wouldn’t have a job without your customers, so make sure they know it. More than just a Christmas card, come up with rewards or gifts that will help them know just how much their business means to you. If you want continued loyalty, show them how much you appreciate it now.

Treat customers like family

If you want your customers to like and trust you, you need to engage them on a personal level. By asking personal questions and opening up about yourself, you can show your customers that they are more than just numbers to you.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details