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Aite Group’s Ron Shevlin on Credit Unions’ Online- and Mobile-Channel Strategies


Always an entertaining and highly informative time whenAite Group'sSenior Analyst Ron Shevlin (also author of the popular blogSnarketing 2.0) visits the show. Ron's wit and wisdom keep you on your toes throughout and he certainly delivers in this first of two parts. In part 1, Ron focuses on a recent report he authored, "Credit Unions' Online- and Mobile-Channel Strategies," where we discuss credit unions' strategies -- or lack thereof -- when it comes to online and/or mobile solutions. In perfect Shevlin form, however, Ron presents the problem but provides a sound solution for credit unions that may lack a definite direction in these areas. Never short on advice through his research and expertise, you won't want to miss this episode. Enjoy -- and stay tuned for part 2 on Ron's take on FI marketers use of Twitter.


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