The Automated Clearing House – Regulations affecting your entire staff
In 2016, the ACH network handled more than 25.5 billion transactions as the same-day settlement window for financial institutions took effect. This massive volume of credit and debit transactions makes ACH a vital part of credit union operations on a day-to-day basis.
The ACH requires extensive regulations to keep consumers safe, and many of these regulations change frequently to safeguard from potential fraud and ensure that credit unions are doing their part by effectively protecting their members.
For example: The Federal Reserve is putting updates to ACH Regulation CC into effect this July. These changes regarding when funds are available in checking accounts and the collection of checks are vital for member and asset protection. Effectively and efficiently complying with these regulations help you streamline your compliance processes, providing safer, more efficient service to your members.
Due to the widespread use of the ACH at credit unions and its importance to consumer protection, staff knowledge of ACH compliance necessities is vital, making trainers leaders for ACH compliance.
Trainers can create a robust first line of defense against possible violations by providing robust ACH learning opportunities for their entire staff. However, every member of your staff interacts with the ACH differently, so their knowledge needs will differ significantly depending on their day-to-day responsibilities.
There are many ACH training resources for all ACH using credit union staff members, including compliance officers, auditors, management, operations and frontline staff. By enrolling staff members in ACH training, you can safeguard your credit union from violations and protect your members while streamlining credit union processes, making it a valuable part of your training arsenal.
You can see all of CUNA’s online ACH training resources at