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Becoming healthy organizationally in the new world of work


We’re living in “The New World of Work.” The past 18 months have fundamentally shifted our organizations and how leaders must lead. Look at recent statistics on resignations, hiring, and employees looking for new jobs while working, and it’s clear we’ve entered a new realm. The “Healthy” side of our organizations – defined as minimal politics, minimal confusion, high productivity, high morale, and low turnover – has never been more vital for leaders. Its impact is potent. Get it right and the competitive advantage is clear.

Patrick Lencioni first defined these five “Healthy” areas in his book, The Advantage, and now, these same principles are becoming the antidote to The Great Resignation and more.

Here are questions you can ask yourself to gage how “Healthy” your organization is. Score yourself from 1-5 (with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best relative to the scenario). How do you think your credit union’s Executive Team and/or organization is doing in each of the five categories?

  • Minimal Politics
    • Are there silos?
    • Do people have meetings after meetings?
    • Is there a united and aligned front at the executive level?
    • Are you witnessing and/or participating in any third-party talk or gossip?
  • Minimal Confusion
    • Is everyone clear on the purpose of the organization (even though we’re in a pandemic)?
    • Do people know the values of the organization? Are they being used for decision making (hiring, firing, investments, volunteering, projects)?
    • Does everyone know what makes your credit union or organization different from others? Do they know the top three strategic anchors/differentiators?
    • Is everyone clear on the priorities and timelines?
    • Are decision-making protocols clearly defined and understood (including in meetings)?
    • Are communications being cascaded down clearly and regularly?
    • Do people understand what’s happening with projects and policies?
    • Are proper change management/transition methodologies being employed?
  • High Productivity
    • Are meetings efficient and effective?
    • Are meetings enjoyable and do people get to use their strengths often?
    • Do meetings have healthy conflict?
    • Are priorities well-defined at different levels, so that it’s easy for work to get done?
    • Do people have a chance to be in a state of flow?
  • High Morale
    • Are people feeling seen and valued by their managers?
    • Do staff feel connected to the purpose of the organization?
    • Are they being measured in a way that’s meaningful to them in an ongoing manner?
  • Low Turnover
    • Are you having difficulty hiring?
    • Have you lost good people?
    • Are your employees feeling overworked?

These are the areas that make up a “Healthy” organization. When credit unions thrive in these categories, their respective areas such as strategy, finance, technology, operations, marketing, and more (known as the “Smart” side) are exponentially stronger.

You may have found that there’s one or two “Healthy” areas that you would like to improve upon. Maybe you see potential work in each category. That’s where organizational health strategies, methodologies, and tools that are relevant, time-sensitive, practical, and results-focused can benefit credit unions today.

Start, though, by applauding yourself. You just became more aware. That’s exactly how the next echelon of leaders in The New World of Work will begin navigating the change, pace, and challenges that lie ahead.

Wren Venvertloh

Wren Venvertloh

Mersino Consulting, LLC