Berger updates, urges credit unions on reg relief

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger yesterday updated credit unions on the status of the NAFCU-supported Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155), and outlined the association’s efforts to achieve additional regulatory relief for credit unions.

In the message to members, Berger highlighted that NAFCU-backed S. 2155 could come before the full House for consideration as soon as next week. He also pointed credit unions to NAFCU’s Grassroots Action Center where they can easily find and contact members of Congress and urge their support of S. 2155 ahead of the House vote.

“NAFCU has been engaging Congress on the need for this regulatory relief for years, including in testimony before both the House and Senate last year and in numerous meetings with Congressional leaders and Administration officials, including President Trump. Help us get this legislation over the finish line,” Berger wrote.


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