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Consumers enjoy snapping pictures to deposit checks


by: Brian Day

Many Americans are taking advantage of mobile remote check deposit. In fact, according to a recentAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) survey, one in eight respondents used remote deposit in the past year. Among the users, 80 percent deposit a check remotely at least once a month, and 23 percent use it twice a month.

“Convenience and saving time are paramount for today’s consumer, so it is no surprise that mobile deposit is gaining traction with banks and their customers,” Nessa Feddis, ABA SVP,said in a press release. “It doesn’t get much easier than depositing a check with the simple snap of a photo.”

ABA also found online banking remains the top choice of U.S. consumers to conduct transactions, although mobile banking is steadily gaining ground. Mobile was the preferred banking option by 10 percent of consumers, up from 8 percent in 2013.

Mobile banking sits behind branch offices, at 21 percent, and ATMs, at 14 percent, as the most popular options for consumers to do their banking.

Credit unions are seeing similar numbers. In asurvey conducted by CFI Group, credit union members rated online and mobile banking as “more important than any other aspect of the member experience.”

Jordan Rumsey