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Create value often at your credit union


I attended a conference last month and one of the speakers said this:

“Create more value for more people more often, so when it’s time to choose, they choose you.”

This couldn’t be more true. This means if you regularly provide folks with information, resources, advice (whatever it may be) they will remember you when it’s time to make a buying decision. ..or when they are ready to switch financial institutions.

The good news is you are probably already doing this! Here’s three simple, yet effective ideas to keep you top of mind to your consumers.

Offer a free download.
Have a budgeting seminar? Offer a free toolkit or e-book with a budgeting worksheet or five budgeting tips. Go one step further and offer information about credit score, or another personal finance information…something a consumer can really use. Share it on social and post it on your website and people will remember to go there for information.

Weekly tips.
Offer a tip here and there (social media is a great place to post these) and your audience will remember you when they need you. For example, let’s say a member follows you on Facebook. He’s a teacher at a local school. He sees you offering advice or free downloads. The school wants to offer financial literacy seminars. Who do you think he’ll think of? You, of course!

Media resource.
Submit an article or provide a relevant story idea to your local media. It’s no secret journalists are strapped for time and resources. By offering ideas to them, the next time they have a story related to your industry, they’ll contact you first. Just be sure to follow up with them in a timely manner!

There are countless other ways to create value for consumers. Be creative! And remember it takes time. If your content is helpful, informative or entertaining, consumers will take note.

Susan Dyer

Susan Dyer

Heartland Credit Union Association