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CUInsight Minute with Lauren Culp – August 21, 2020

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Publisher & CEO Lauren Culp with our favorite reads from the week.


FREE WEBINAR: 3 Ways to Use Gamification to Attract Younger Members
On September 2: The trash hasn’t been taken out in days, the dog needs a walk and the kids’ bedrooms are a disaster. So you tell your kids that for every chore they complete, they’ll get five points — and whoever has the most points at the end of the week will get an extra $10 in their allowance. You’ve never seen the house so sparkling clean. (read more)

5 ways to keep it personal in a digital-mostly world
COVID-19 has brought undeniable clarity to the importance of good digital tools. What would we have done without them over the past months? As members navigated the realities of closed branch lobbies and crowded drive-thrus, online and mobile banking saw big jumps. A post-pandemic survey conducted by Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) revealed over 45% of banked respondents, across all ages, had moved to new channels such as online and mobile to handle their finances. (read more)

Most of your employees are not okay
According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 40% of U.S. families include children under the age of 18. With employment rates of the heads of households of those families ranging from 75 to 91 percent (with nearly two-thirds of both parents being employed in two-parent households), working parents make up a significant percentage of the workforce. (read more)

100 years down, how many more to go?
ONE HUNDRED YEARS. Despite the many hardships we have experienced this year, 2020 marks one critically important milestone worth celebrating. On this day, 100 years ago, the 19th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified, granting women across the nation the right to vote.* What a milestone in our history – a century of women voters – and yet it’s hard to believe that it has only been 100 years. (read more)

