CUInsight Minute with Lauren Culp – August 7, 2020

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Publisher & CEO Lauren Culp with our favorite reads from the week.


5 reasons security awareness training should be an essential part of your cybersecurity strategy
As today’s business world continues to rely more heavily on data and technology than ever before, cyber-attacks are also becoming more sophisticated. The simple truth is: no data is safe anymore! While there are plenty of tools that can help protect your business from these threats, they will hardly do any good if your employees are not armed with sufficient knowledge about how to spot them. (read more)

3 best practices for using digital marketing to promote your card program
Almost half of credit users will use the same card for most purchases according to the Financial Brand. By taking advantage of digital marketing opportunities, you can help ensure your credit union’s card becomes members’ preferred all-purpose card. Digital marketing can help you make the best use of your marketing budget by directly targeting your audience with messaging that speaks to their needs and wants. (read more)

Steps your credit union can take to support DREAMers
Credit unions have an opportunity to position themselves as trusted financial partners of the immigrant community. Last month, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This immigration program was created through an executive order from President Obama in June 2012. For the last eight years, the DACA program has helped many immigrants fulfill dreams and achieve success in this country, by providing deportation relief and work authorization. (read more)

*Check out these work-from-home playlists to boost productivity in your home office.

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp is the President & CEO at She leads the growing team at CUInsight, works with organizations serving credit unions to maximize their brand and exposure, connects with ... Web: Details