CUInsight Minute with Lauren Culp – January 31, 2020

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Publisher & CEO Lauren Culp with the top three of our favorite things from the week.

Mentioned this week:
Educating emerging leaders is the future of credit unions
At CUES, we believe that investing in the next generation of leaders is incredibly important to the credit union industry.This is why our mission includes educating and developing future leaders. (read more)

Top 5 ways to improve collection performance
When it comes to collections, cutting costs while also improving performance may seem like a tall order—especially when the resources you have to dedicate to time, personnel, and technology are already spread too thin. (read more)

Lessons from Dolittle: Five ways to grow long-term impact with a diverse team
I love the movies. I relish great storytelling and suspending my disbelief to immerse in another world. Now that she’s getting a bit older, my daughter MacKenzie and I have created a joint hobby of finding films that we may both enjoy. (read more)

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp is the President & CEO at She leads the growing team at CUInsight, works with organizations serving credit unions to maximize their brand and exposure, connects with ... Web: Details