CUInsight Minute with Lauren Culp – February 7, 2020

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Publisher & CEO Lauren Culp with the top three of our favorite things from the week.

Mentioned this week:
NCUA rule changes with fidelity bonds
On July 24, 2019 the NCUA finalized a rule amending its regulations regarding fidelity bonds (Parts 704 for corporate credit unions and 713 for natural person credit unions). (read more)

Cybersecurity is an industry responsibility
Ransomware has dominated recent headlines. Many government systems, businesses and schools have been affected. (read more)

Office housework isn’t in our DNA
Last week I caught up with a long-time friend and professional connection to hear about her new career move. Over drinks, she told a story I’ve heard in many variations over the years. (read more)

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp is the President & CEO at She leads the growing team at CUInsight, works with organizations serving credit unions to maximize their brand and exposure, connects with ... Web: Details