CUInsight Weekly Minute with Linda Lafortune – December 2, 2022

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Director of Learning & Client Support Linda Lafortune with our favorite reads from the week.


What do CU staff have in common with auto workers?


When we think about automation changing the way people work, the first image that usually comes to mind is an automobile worker in Detroit going from assembling a car themselves to supervising a robot that assembles cars. (Read more..)

Strategic planning to survive and thrive, Part 1

by Rich Nave, AUX

It’s that time of year! Credit Unions are holding planning sessions to develop the 2023 Strategic Plan. Is your plan going to ensure your credit union survives and thrives? Or is it more of a check the box exercise and then you return to your day jobs? (Read more..)

Are you protecting members with an effective risk & compliance culture?


Credit unions are all about the mission. Built on the common value to promote the well-being of consumers and members by providing affordable access to financial services, they are focused on a member-first culture. (Read more..)

Linda Lafortune

Linda Lafortune

Linda is the Director of Learning & Client Support at CUInsight.  She has an extensive background in the credit union industry having worked in both large and small credit unions, in ... Web: Details