CUInsight Weekly Minute with Linda Lafortune – September 8, 2023

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Director of Learning & Client Support Linda Lafortune with our favorite reads from the week.


How to navigate asset risks & evaluate your card program


Effective credit card program management can only happen with a thorough and ongoing examination of how changes in interest rates affect both what is owned (assets) and what is owed (liabilities). This analysis is extremely important for ensuring your financial institution has enough money to cover its obligations and maintain financial stability…(read more)

In a digital age, smaller financial institutions must offer… lollipops?

by Tyreo Harrison, SWBC LENDERHUB

Recent bank failures have cast an unfair light on smaller financial institutions. The shuttering of Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Bank, and Signature Bank in March 2023 left many account holders across the nation toiling over one burning question: “How safe is my money?” In the days following the collapse, the top 25 banks in the nation saw an influx of deposits to the tune of $125 billion while the rest bid farewell to a collective $108 billion over the same time period… (read more)

Labor market woes? Try something new


Finding employees these days is anything but easy … a confusing proposition in a potentially cooling labor market. According to a recent Reuters report, hiring and quitting rates both decreased (the hire rate falling to its lowest point since April 2020). But the drop in labor force participation dulled the effect of such changes, leaving only 5.9 million unemployed people to fill 9.8 million jobs. So, it’s a cooling-competitive market…(read more)


Linda Lafortune

Linda Lafortune

Linda is the Director of Learning & Client Support at CUInsight.  She has an extensive background in the credit union industry having worked in both large and small credit unions, in ... Web: Details