Employees Can’t “Just Get Over It”

By Matt Monge

Being a human, or a human being, is a tough gig. One of the more difficult parts of being human also happens to be a thing we frequently experience in one way or another: change.

Change takes many forms. Growth. Development. Shift. Adjustment. Redirection. Rejuvenation. Rebirth. Rethinking. Transformation.

And it can be experienced and perceived both positively and negatively, yes? Sometimes the change feels good and generates feelings of happiness or contentment. Other times, not so much. It can drive us to our knees in despair, anger, and hopelessness.

Organizational life isn’t immune to this phenomenon. Shift happens. [Insert your favorite cliché phrase about change here. Maybe “Change is the only constant” or something.]

Since we’re all humans (I’m operating under the assumption that it’s mostly humans who read this blog), we each deal with change differently, and we deal with different types of change in different ways.

Many times the way some folks deal with organizational change frustrates leaders. These leaders, most of whom I’d assume are very well-meaning, often wish others would work through change in a manner they find more acceptable. Perhaps they believe the employees are being immature. Maybe it’s the pace at which they’re working through the change. It could be the methods they’re using to navigate that time. It could be any number of things or combination of things, and I’m not even saying there’s not ever merit in those things.

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