Five reasons you need a crisis to drive transformation

Adapting to a large hurdle can turn a seemingly untenable situation into an opportunity to thrive

There’s a saying that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. What it actually represents is an opportunity–and the space–for change that normally isn’t available. Here are some of the key hurdles that usually stand in the way of transformation:

1. Change is uncomfortable

More to the point, the status quo is comfortable. We all take comfort in our routines, whether it’s a particular procedure for closing the books, a familiar organizational structure and known colleagues, or the same stretches and workout routine every morning. Breaking out of your comfort zone is both difficult and not always seen as providing worthwhile rewards.

2. Incentives aren’t aligned

Every department and partner is driven by different objectives or key performance indicators. Revenue teams want to hire ahead of predicted growth, while finance wants to see proof first. Companies with capabilities complementary to yours want to explore building the adjacent capabilities you deliver, rather than investing in partnerships. Suppliers and buyers are more invested in building long-term relationships and goodwill than in making sure every payment and collection is right on time. Without aligned incentives, finding a way to work together toward new and positive outcomes becomes arduous.


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