How to up your leadership game in 2021!
It’s almost time to kiss 2020 goodbye. I mean good riddance, amirite? We all want to up our game in 2021, and that’s especially true for all the leaders out there. A better leader equals a better team. Any other Duke basketball fans out there? Sure Coach K is the goat, but this year’s squad is still searching for a floor general, and their 3-2 record is proof. Sorry to all the non-basketball folk, I’ll return to regular English now. For all of the leaders looking to up their game this year, here are some ways you can “slap the floor” in 2021 (ok I had to sneak in one more Duke basketball reference)…
Be passionate: If you want your employees to be dedicated and committed to the vision of the company, you have to remember to be dedicated yourself. You want your employees to believe in the company, so don’t be afraid to show them how passionate you are about company goals.
Encourage and reward initiative: Show your staff that you’re open to ideas. Give positive feedback and constructive advice. Applaud employees for thinking outside the box and remember that a little praise can go a long way. Another benefit is that you’ll have a team that is expanding their limits and increasing their value as employees.
Lead by example: As a team member, it’s a lot easier to get behind a leader who is in the trenches with you. Understanding what your team does and how hard they work will help develop that respect. Also remember that honesty leads to credibility with your team. If you make a mistake, own up to it and you’ll gain your team’s respect.
Be an effective communicator: You can build trust by being approachable and encouraging openness in your office. Listen and give your attention. Employees appreciate a leader who keeps the lines of communication open.
Be positive: Being positive usually isn’t hard, but when things aren’t going your way, it can be tough to stay upbeat. Try to keep a positive view even when things are tough, so your team can embrace their failures and learn from them. A few words of encouragement and an optimistic attitude can turn things around quickly.
Motivate: There may not be a more important leadership trait than being a good motivator. An inspired, motivated team is hard to beat.