Inside Marketing: Weighing in on web design

Real-time member feedback drives site redesign and improved branch interactions.

The ultimate test of a website is how well it meets users’ expectations, but it’s not easy to find out what members like and don’t like about your online portal. Two credit unions gathered member input via a simple pop-up feedback system to help guide their website redesign.

$135 million Duke University Federal Credit Union used HappyOrNot Web Smileys panel to encourage members to rate selected web pages and content by clicking on a smiling, neutral or sad face and supplying additional comments if they’d like.

“With our current website, our goal was to provide as much information as possible,” says CUES member Daniel Berry, CCE, CEO of the Durham, N.C., credit union. “What we’re learning is if it takes more than two or three clicks, members prefer to gather information in a phone call. As a result of feedback from members, our new website design will be simpler and more intuitive, with less information.”


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