Keeping you on the map in the evolution of money

As the competitive landscape shifts from traditional electronic transactions to modern digital engagement, and money merges with the internet becoming a streaming phenomenon just as music, movies, and mail have in our lifetime, the time to secure your sound strategy is now!

Discrete and disjointed apps and channels for new members and accounts, loan applications, mobile banking etc., are quickly becoming your dad’s Oldsmobile (and your Razr flip phone!) as money becomes data and secure, valuable services like BNPL, local rewards, and digital wallets take off. Tectonic events in economies, banking, and the money industry are driving paradigm shifting plans and products which will be wildly disruptive if our community financial institutions have not at least modestly contemplated strategies to embrace money-data merging with the internet. After all, a U.S. CBDC is already in beta!

DaLand’s Strategy Mapping process is the first step to move your institution from restrained to relevant, by prioritizing the transition from the electronic era into the digital future of banking.

Renowned business thinker Roger Martin defines strategy in two parts; first, decide where you will compete and second, determine how you will win. Where and how! Martin’s questions could not be timelier for the banking industry. Like money itself, your consumers’ banking activity and even their “mental availability” is coalescing online. Where and how you compete in finance today has little analog to the past of physical branches and electronic channels and platforms. These questions demand a novel approach to strategy.


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