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Motivation station


The other day I heard the expression, “Don’t let your ice cream melt counting someone else’s sprinkles”.

I love that! How true it is.

We often compare ourselves to others in social and work settings.

I think we can all admit that we have at one time or another muttered the words, “How did they accomplish THAT?”.

During those moments that green-eyed monster referred to as jealousy pops up over your shoulder and makes googly eyes at your conscience.

In that pivotal moment you have the choice to give in to those feelings or to count your blessings for your own accomplishments and move on.

I realized a long time ago that “counting someone else’s sprinkles” was not only a waste of time, but also a waste of effort.

So how do you combat that natural emotion to compare?

Personally, I truly believe that an important component to success is creating a motivation station.

You’re saying, “that sounds cumbersome Nanci? I don’t want to!”

It truly isn’t a huge undertaking and I have found it to be extremely necessary.

I have an actual sub-folder in my work email called “Motivation Station”.

Tucked away neatly within this folder are e-mails of kudos, high fives, good jobs, you did it, and a plethora of other amazing tid-bits my co-workers have been kind enough to give me.

Some of the e-mails are specific “HOORAY’S”.

Some are just things that made me chuckle or say “awwww”.

On the days that we all have that are long, exhausting, or even downright frustrating, I take a peek in my Motivation Station to remind me that it’s alright.

This too shall pass and sometimes as hard as things get, there will always be another moment around the curve.

The mantra of being kind to others is not reserved for everyone aside from yourself.

You must also find your place within that kindness.

The place where you too celebrate who you are and what you do.

I challenge you to set up your own Motivation Station and while you are sliding e-mails into there, make sure you are reaching out to your teammates and giving them material for theirs.

There are many things in this life that will happen regardless of our efforts.

Some good.

Some bad.

Success is not defined by either of these moments.

At the end of the day, success is living your best life, doing the best that you can, being an important part of a motivational team, and not forgetting yourself in that process.

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