Credit unions have an extraordinary opportunity in front of them with the Awareness Initiative. We’re finally taking on the challenge of credit union consideration and working to make more consumers think about our products and services when they make financial decisions.
The Awareness Initiative is aimed at dispelling myths that consumers have about credit unions. Although there are many credit unions that have jumped on board and embraced this program to its fullest, there are some that are holding back from participating due to a few myths. To help set the record straight, here are three of the biggest misconceptions regarding the campaign:
Myth #1 – This isn’t going to impact my credit union.
You may think your credit union won’t be impacted by Awareness due to it being such a large-scale campaign. This is simply false. The digital first, consumer-centric, data-driven campaign is built to create results.
The campaign goals are focused around raising consumer’s consideration of credit unions as their best financial partner. We want to drive more Americans to credit unions. That’s good for the industry’s brand, but even better for each individual credit union.
Myth #2 – I already have a marketing plan, so I don’t need to participate.
The campaign is designed to seamlessly coexist with and elevate whatever marketing agenda each credit union is already running. Credit unions have the option to continue with their normal marketing content, or they can use the campaign materials that have been carefully crafted and are easily accessible.
The bottom line is that this is not just another marketing plan. It’s an industry-wide effort to increase credit unions’ share of the marketplace.
Myth #3 – I don’t know where my financial contributions go.
This is a national campaign, but it’s being built state by state. CUNA and Leagues are partnering together to bring this fresh, exciting content to every region.
Each state is determining the budget it needs to run an effective campaign. Credit Unions will be able to work with CUNA and their League to see the overall plans; feedback is ALWAYS encouraged.
This may be an industry-wide campaign, but every individual credit union will feel its impact as more Americans have access to additional options in the financial space. Financial innovation is rising exponentially, and we need to act now to help educate consumers about credit unions.
Join the group of 180+ contributors – we need everyone to turn this amazing opportunity into an incredible success. If you have questions about Awareness, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions. I encourage you to take a closer look at the campaign at or contact