America’s Credit Unions Press Archives

Repeal of the CFPB’s arbitration rule is a win for credit unions

WASHINGTON, DC (November 2, 2017) — President Donald Trump signed a joint resolution nullifying the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) arbitration rule today. The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) supported the repeal, and engaged in active advocacy during the process as the House and ...

CUNA statement on Chairman Jeb Hensarling not seeking reelection

WASHINGTON, DC (November 1, 2017) — Following the announcement for House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling that he will not seek reelection in 2018, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) president/CEO Jim Nussle released a statement: “CUNA thanks Chairman Hensarling for his work in ...

CUNA hopeful Senate Banking negotiations will continue

WASHINGTON, DC (November 1, 2017) — Following news that negotiations have stalled between Senate Banking Chairman Mike Crapo and Ranking Member Sherrod Brown, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) chief advocacy officer Ryan Donovan released a statement: “This is disappointing but not surprising.  And, we hope ...

Over 60 legislators support CUNA call for website ADA guidance

WASHINGTON, DC (October 31, 2017) — 61 bipartisan members of Congress have written to the Department of Justice requesting guidance on how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pertains to websites. CUNA and its league partners urged Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) ...

CUNA backs Senate repeal of CFPB arbitration rule

WASHINGTON, DC (October 25, 2017) — The Senate today passed a CUNA-backed resolution of disapproval for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s arbitration rule that would restrict the use of arbitration agreements. CUNA sent a letter of support in advance of the vote for H....

CFPB’s arbitration rule flawed, does not work for credit unions

WASHINGTON, DC (October 23, 2017) — Following the release of the Treasury Department’s new report on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s arbitration rule, CUNA chief advocacy officer Ryan Donovan issued a statement expressing appreciation that the report highlights flaws in the CFPB’s ...

CUNA Economic Update examines the effect of the credit union movement

WASHINGTON, DC (October 16, 2017) — Credit Union National Association (CUNA) has just released the October edition of the CUNA Economic Update. Sponsored by CUNA CFO Council and hosted by Jordan van Rijn, senior economist at CUNA, the update this month considers the effects of ...

CUNA files lawsuit against Equifax for data breach

WASHINGTON, DC (October 6, 2017) — CUNA filed its lawsuit Wednesday against Equifax, a suit brought in the wake of a data breach resulting in hackers accessing information on 145.5 million consumers and payment card data of more than 200,000 consumers. “We filed ...

CUNA analyzing CFPB’s short-term, small-dollar rule

WASHINGTON, DC (October 5, 2017) — The Credit Union National Association is analyzing the short-term, small-dollar loan rule just released by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. CUNA had numerous concerns with the rule as originally proposed, not least of which was that it could rob ...

CUNA to file lawsuit against Equifax

WASHINGTON, DC (September 30, 2017) — The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) will file a lawsuit against Equifax to protect credit unions and their members from harm as a result of the Equifax data breach. "Equifax needs to be held accountable for this massive data ...

CUNA petitions FCC for TCPA regulatory relief

WASHINGTON, DC (September 29, 2017) — CUNA filed a petition Friday with the Federal Communications Commission regarding the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), outlining how it can provide credit unions with regulatory relief from the onerous requirements for communicating with member-owners. In the petition, CUNA ...