Trellance News Archives

New member behaviors energize old fraud trends

New member behaviors energize old fraud trends

Credit unions confront a new reality that is now shaped by changing member behaviors that are motivated by a national health and economic crisis. Thousands of non-essential brick-and-mortar shopping sites are closed for now. Credit [...]

Data Insights – Building a foundation

Data Insights – Building a foundation

Data insights start, naturally, with data. Get the data wrong, and your insights will be wrong.  Who wants to take business actions on insights based on bad data? The real problem is when you’re [...]

Data governance – How to start

Data governance – How to start

Data governance is an organized discipline of people, process, and technology supporting a company’s data. Starting with data governance needs to be small enough that it is manageable but large enough that it makes [...]

Data use cases for credit unions: chapter 2

Data use cases for credit unions: chapter 2

Chapter 1 of this series considered the importance in establishing a specific goal to solve using data analytics and proving the ROI in order to justify automation and decisioning using business intelligence in a credit [...]

Using data to create a unique member experience

Using data to create a unique member experience

Enhancing member experience has been the subject of many blogs and white papers, and there is a reason why this topic is so popular. In fact, there are three good reasons why this topic is [...]