One thousand pound pumpkins don’t grow by chance (nor do executive benefit plans)

Guest post written by Tyler Quigley, National Director of Marketing, Burns-Fazzi, Brock (BFB). Tyler and his family tend their field of dreams in Mountain Green, Utah.

Burns-Fazzi, Brock (BFB) is the NAFCU Services Preferred Partner for Executive Compensation and Benefit Consulting.

As you may recall, my last blog post in August compared growing giant pumpkins to growing a world-class executive benefit plan. I wanted to follow up with an update on how the 2013 season ended up for me and my family. Well, it turned out very successfully with a 1,238 pound pumpkin!! This weight was good enough for a first place finish at our Utah Giant Pumpkin Growers annual weigh-off which was held last Saturday.

A few takeaways from this season (that work equally for both pumpkin growing *and* for growing an executive benefit plan):

  • Setting high goals and then working hard to achieve them pays off;
  • Working with a team to achieve goals (in this case, my daughter Macey) is very rewarding; and
  • One thousand pound pumpkins don’t just grow by chance!

And the fate of said prize-winning pumpkin? It’s sitting in my driveway waiting to be sculpted on Halloween, of course. And for any foodies reading, it could make about 1,500 pumpkin pies!

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