Out of the mouths of (consumers)

by. Bo McDonald

Think about when someone preaches the same message at you on a regular basis. You dismiss it because, well, for whatever reason. And then along comes someone completely unbiased who gives you the same advice. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s   correct, but it certainly gets your attention.

Sometimes we marketing folks are in that same position. We feel passionately and preach the need for a certain something to happen. The response is usually: “It’s just those goofy marketing guys with a bunch of balloons and yee haa harping at us again.” For me, it’s the necessity of employees and the front line staff to be recognized as the greatest marketing asset in your organization.

At YMC, we fervently believe that marketing goes a lot deeper than what we bring to the table. We can brainstorm, create, and execute. But if the rest of the team is not on board then the time and money put into marketing will be wasted. So we preach it. You listen. Perhaps you are considering our advice. How about some cold hard facts and a testimonial from an unbiased consumer?

I ran across a post on the “Brains on Fire” blog a few days ago from Amy Taylor. I would consider Amy as your target demographic. She’s a young, professional female who probably needs a car loan, perhaps a credit card, and soon maybe even her first home.

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