Public Speaking Lesson # 1,721

by Anthony Demangone

During last week’s conference, I gave a number of talks.  And even though I’ve been speaking publicly for more than 10 years, you always learn something new.  Each and every time you talk.

The lesson from last week?  No matter the topic, assume someone in the audience knows as much about it as you, if not more.

I was giving my talk, “20 Ideas in 90 Minutes.”  I hit on a number of topics, 20 to be exact, so I had a hunch that some in the audience would be familiar with some of the issues.

I had no idea.

When I spoke about Gene Kranz and Apollo 13 (made famous by the movie, Apollo 13), I knew a good number of people had seen the movie. Well, it turns out that at least two people in the audience actually worked with Gene Kranz.  They knew the man!

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