S. 2155 talks continue, CUNA-backed bills on House floor

CUNA continues its engagement in support of the Senate’s bipartisan regulatory relief bill, S. 2155, and two CUNA-backed regulatory relief bills are expected to see House floor consideration this week.

The House is expected to consider both the Taking Account of Institutions with Low Operation Risk (TAILOR) Act of 2017 (H.R. 1116) and the Financial Examination Fairness and Reform Act (H.R. 4545).

H.R. 1116 would require financial regulators to take risk into account when promulgating regulations. H.R. 4545 would provide for an independent appeals process at the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.

Both bills are consistent with CUNA’s bipartisan, pro-consumer Campaign for Common-Sense Regulation.


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